Wednesday 22 October 2014

Movies, packing and lady dates!

I was so excited to be able to watch Maleficent and not just because Angelina Jolie is a goddess and my ultimate wcw but Sleeping Beauty is one of my favourite Disney films. I was so happy with how this turned out, the cast were brilliant, the makeup, the costumes, everything. And viewing it from her point of view as she is the 'villain' in Sleeping Beauty gave it a whole new twist. I was aww'ing through the whole feel and I cannot wait to watch it again! Thinking of trying to do a makeup look based on hers, but a little less dramatic haha.

I can currently barely walk around my room because it's filled with boxes and new things I keep ordering for the move! The worst bit is that I've barely packed anything and you can't walk round the bed.. oops!
I'm pretty in love with this chopping board and only £4! The boyfriend doesn't think it's very practical but oh well, too cute to pass up on.
I'm pretty damn excited for Friday as I get to see my beautiful Zoe and we can finally have a long awaited lady date again! Shopping, tacos and some possible picture taking for outfit posts..
Quite a while ago now but I love her so much!
Niamh xo

Friday 17 October 2014

Busy days

It's been a bit of a mad few weeks and yesterday and today have been no different. Although yesterday after work I went round my boyfriends and had a lovely evening in comfy clothes and eating chicken nuggets! Apart from watching car programmes... (nothing against them just not my thing) which led to me occupying myself by taking selfies haha!
My room is currently being taken up by a bunch of stuff for our new house (praying we actually get it) so it's a bit of a squeeze to get in, out or around it at the moment! Especially trying to get round my dog, Betty, who refuses to move. Oh well, I do love her.
Just a quick little update as I should be asleep with work in the morning... never enough hours in the day! Puppy snuggles and bedtime for me.

Niamh xo

Wednesday 15 October 2014

Introductions and new beginnings

Happy bunny!
Hello there!
So I thought I would give blogging a go as I keep reading my beautiful bestfriends (Zoe) and she's inspired me to try it.
My name is Niamh, I am nineteen years of age and I currently am not entirely sure as of what to write! I think blogging will be good, although writing doesn't tend to come naturally to me as I find it quite difficult but I can't wait to share my days and outfits and everything with you!
My day today has mostly been spent working, eating, drinking tea, seeing my boyfriend and feeding my online shopping addiction with buying things for my house move soon! Which I am so beyond excited for. I will definitely be posting more about that soon!!

Niamh xo